404 error with Airtable

I’ve got a basic Make.com → Airtable setup but for some reason I keep getting 404 errors.

For authentication, I’ve tried both Airtable OAuth and Airtable Tokens and keep getting the same results.

The Airtable function I’m using is Get a Record, and I’m passing ID = 6, which does exist in the table.

See attached screenshots for more info:

I think that’s not the actual record ID of that record. To find out record IDs, you can add a new Formula field with this formula: RECORD_ID()

Hello @Jonathan_Richey,
As per your current setup the field Record ID is just another auto-generated field to generate numbers based on row automatically.

As @Simo suggested you need to use the record ID from the Airtable formula function RECORD_ID(). Just add a new field as Formula and add this formula on it.
It shows you all the record IDs of all the different rows.

Another approach is just to expand the row in the details view and you can see in the URL some IDs start with rec******.

Read more here Finding Airtable IDs | Airtable Support. Just expand the sections.

I hope this helps.

:bulb:P.S.: Always search first, Check Make Academy. If this is helpful, Mark Best as Solutions :white_check_mark: and give :+1:
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Thank you! I’ll give that a try.

Awesome, thanks for your help, I’ll try that.