Add multiple Jotform Dates into separate Notion Database Pages

I’m using a Jotform trigger (Watch Submissions) in Make, where the submission contains multiple date fields, that contain day, month and year as seperate text keys.


Now I need a lot of the Dates from Jotform seperately added to a notion database.

For that, I would only need the label/name of the date and the actual date input and then put it in individual new pages inside a database.

I have played around a lot with the iterator and array aggregator but it seems like the collections I am receiving from jotform cannot be inside an array.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the right direction!

Hey there,

you can use the variables coming from Jotform directly and build the date in the format you need it for Notion. No need to use iterator or aggregator since this is a collection and not an array of items.

Can you send a screenshot of how your Notion module is configured?

Hey Stoyan, yes I am aware that I can build the date directly inside the notion module. But as I have around 20x date collections coming from the Jotform and only one date property inside the notion I was thinking of using iterator or aggregator.

These are the fields inside the Notion module. As you can see I would like the title of the appointment as the name of the actual notion page as well as the date of the collection inside the notion date property. I have filled it out as an example how it would look like for one date.

Now I am simply looking for a way where I don’t have to create as many notion modules as I have date collections from jotform.