Add relation to second DB

Hi, first time poster and new user here :slight_smile:

I have a ‘Client Contacts’ DB and a ‘Client’ DB with the following properties:

  • Both have a text field called ‘charity name’ that contains the name of the client organisation.
  • There is a relation between the two for linking any contacts that have the same ‘charity name’. In the Client Contacts DB this relation is called ‘related client’. In the Client DB I’ve called it ‘Points of Contact’.

I’m trying to automate this: When a new contact is added to the ‘Client Contact’ DB and has the same charity name property as an entry in the ‘Charity’ DB, I want to add the appropriate client from the ‘client’ DB to the ‘related client’ relation property so I can easily click through from the Client DB to any of the contacts related to that client.

Is this possible? I’d greatly appreciate any help in how to create this in Make.



Hi Pete and welcome,
Yes, this sounds possible. After your trigger, use a “Search Objects” module to locate the relevant ‘client’ from the ‘Charity’ database by filtering for the charity name property. In the next module, you can update the original database item by mapping the IDs from the “Search Objects” module to the ‘related client’ relation property.