🔥 App Update Upgrade your Etsy modules before April 3rd, 2023

Hey Makers :wave:

Today I’m stepping in with an important update for all our Etsy users.

:mega: Due to Etsy API changes, starting on April 3rd, 2023, the Etsy app in Make will be replaced with a new updated version. :mega:

:hammer_and_wrench: To keep your scenarios running, please follow the process below:

  1. Create a new Etsy connection.
  2. Replace Etsy modules with their newest available version.

We recommend that you go to your Etsy scenarios, and search for modules with a green upgrade icon with white arrows. Click on the arrows to update the module. If you don’t see the icon, everything is up to date, and no further action is required.

Some modules have adjusted names or mapping in the new app version.
We tried to find alternative solutions to allow you to use as many functionalities as possible.

:arrows_counterclockwise: Please switch the modules as follows:

  • Find All Listings > List All Active Listings
  • Find Ledger Entries > List Account Ledger Entries
  • Find Shop Listings > List Shop Listings
  • Find Shop Receipts > List Shop Receipts
  • Find User Addresses > List User Addresses
  • Find Transactions > Make an API Call (alternatives are in testing and should be available in the upcoming days)
  • Get Transaction > Make an API Call (alternatives are in testing and should be available in the upcoming days)
  • Get User Profile > Make an API Call (alternatives are in testing and should be available in the upcoming days)

:warning: Unfortunately, due to the API limitations, no alternative solutions are available for the modules listed below. To prevent possible failures, please adjust your scenarios so they don’t contain the following modules:

  • Create User Address
  • Update User Profile

If you need to update the connection in multiple modules at once, you can use our DevTool extension to accelerate the process.

Bear in mind that if you don’t update your Etsy scenarios before the specified date, it will cause their failure.

Helpful Links:

:make: Etsy on Make
:make: Etsy in Help Center

Hi @Michaela ,

I recently upgraded the Etsy Module’s in my scenario. I am receiving errors on it, but the error messages are not detailed (there’s no info)…any insight? thanks!