Array Aggregation & Document Generations

Hi, I have an object that looks like this. The paid amount is a string. So my intention is to first aggregate the paid amount in Make. Once I have the total. I want to create a spreadsheet to populate the data on each column and thereafter send this sheet to a client.

“Date”: “Oct 12, 2023 09:23 AM”,
“Order Ref”: “AB34”,
“First Name”: “Emma”,
“Last Name”: “P”,
“Phone”: “123456789012”,
“Paid Amount”: “700”,
“Tax Rate”: “105”,
“Total Exclusive Tax”: “523.45”,
“Tax Amount”: “81.55”,
“Payment Method”: “Credit Card”,
“Transaction Code”: “XYZ123”,
“Shop Name”: “Sparkle Cleaners”,
“Shop Brand”: “Sparkle Clean”,
“Accepted By”: “Alex”,
“Order Type”: “Online”,
“Order Status”: “Processing”,
“Visitor Status”: “New Client”,
“County”: “Lagos”,
“Transaction Token”: “TX-SC-123456789-9876543-AB34”
“Date”: “Oct 12, 2023 02:45 PM”,
“Order Ref”: “CD56”,
“First Name”: “Olivia”,
“Last Name”: “R”,
“Phone”: “234567890123”,
“Paid Amount”: “350”,
“Tax Rate”: “110”,
“Total Exclusive Tax”: “290.91”,
“Tax Amount”: “59.09”,
“Payment Method”: “PayPal”,
“Transaction Code”: “ABC456”,
“Shop Name”: “Fresh Press”,
“Shop Brand”: “Fresh Press Services”,
“Accepted By”: “Bella”,
“Order Type”: “Walkin”,
“Order Status”: “Completed”,
“Visitor Status”: “Repeat Client”,
“County”: “Abuja”,
“Transaction Token”: “TX-FP-987654321-6543210-CD56”

Hi @Keep_Innovations,

If I well understand, you want to convert a JSON into a spreadsheet.
You could use the solution given here.
In your case, it is a little bit easier, there is only one level of array (it means one iterator).

Hope it helps, if you need more help, do not hesitate.



What about aggregation of the total?

You can use a numeric aggregator for that @Keep_Innovations . it’s within the “Tools” module


The paid amount is a string, not an int or float

Then use the parseNumber() function :wink: