Automate uploading files to linkedin

Hey everybody! I want to automate posting to linkedin, I have already managed to automate just text post. Now I want to automate posting images & video’s.

But I can’t manage to upload files, and the documentation from make leads to a 404 page.

This is my scenario:

In my spreadsheet I have URL’s to images. Which will go through the HTTP step to get the file. But when I upload those files to LinkedIn it gives the following error message:
Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 10.32.10

It is setup like this:
Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 10.32.53

Would love some help on this! :muscle:

Hello @Dean1 nice to meet you.

You can use Google Drive to store the files first and then search and download the file.


Don’t hesitate to contact us if you require further assistance.


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Hey Vlad, thanks for the response! I have all the data stored in my spreadsheet, how do I need to pass the data to in the Google Drive search for files/folders step?

I have it selected like this also, but it gives an error (search for the file name):

Hello @Dean1

Try to use a Google Drive “Upload a File” module after the HTTP module because you said that you get the file from Sheet with HTTP and after that search and download the file with Google Drive. Check what type of data your file is.

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