Automating Agenda Emails with Asana/ChatGPT Integrations

Hi! I’m an SEO strategist trying to help my agency automate some project management tasks. We meet with our clients every two weeks to check in and send out agenda emails the day before our calls.

Our team is looking to use ChatGPT/Asana/Gmail integrations to create an automatic agenda email draft in Gmail based off of the completed tasks in asana between our client calls. This is ideally how we’d run the scenario:

  • Watch completed tasks in Asana for X client over a two-week period (between biweekly calls, gathering context on what our team is working on between client check-ins)

  • Summarize tasks completed into an agenda email with ChatGPT (our completed tasks summaries would turn into our agenda for our client check-in calls)

  • Populate that ChatGPT content as an email draft in gmail

From our understanding, we can’t automate Asana in without a paid subscription to Asana. Before we pay for Asana, we want to make sure this automation is possible.

In particular, it’s not clear to us how we would filter the tasks we want to extract from the project that would give ChatGPT enough context to generate an agenda.

We know there’s more information here that may have the answer, but it’s not easy to understand from a beginner’s perspective:

Hoping someone can offer some advice here!


Watch Completed Tasks is an inbuilt trigger of Asana in Make so that should help get started, since tasks of previous two weeks have be cumulatively fed into ChatGPT, the whole process may have to be split into 2 scenarios and use Data Store.

The first scenario should collect all tasks and store in Data Store.

The second scenario should start by searching the Data Store, aggregate all task content, feed it into ChatGPT and then draft an email.

Meeting date / Next meeting date should be a data point in Data Store so that email can be drafted prior to that using scheduling.

Hope this points you in the right direction, Thanks.