Automating Wordpress Websites From Airtable

I recently started to work with Integromat/Make to try and automate wordpress websites, I have had tons of success at this so far and I am able to create not only new posts and pages but also new taxonomies and terms all from my airtable base. I am now trying to create multiple taxonomies and then create a new post that utilizes multiple taxonomies and I am stuck on mapping to the taxonomy term’s index position as there is no mapping option I can find for this, anyone have any idea how I can map to the taxonomy term’s index number?

I recommend using data store for it.


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I’m sorry but I don’t understand, I am a wordpress professional who is new to automations and this is literally my first project.

Hi @VLG welcome to the community :wave:

I believe Jouher is suggesting that you consider using the Make data store feature to (you guessed it) store your data.

I’m gonna go ahead and point out a couple of resources in case you’d like to learn more about our data stores

Feel free to check out:

  • the help center article
  • the videos we have on this topic

  • this helpful tutorial by Max

how to you update the custom taxonomies in wordpress?

I’m struggling with the Metadata (custom fields)