Best method to add custom knowledge base for GPT?

Hi everyone,

I am new to Make and would appreciate some help here. I looked for a solution in the community and didn’t find anything. Thanks a lot!

I built a simple scenario that watches incoming emails, creates a GPT response to new emails, and creates a draft (see screenshot).

Now my question is: what is the best method to implement a custom knowledge base to enrich the GPT output? For example: information about a company and their products, previous emails of the person, etc…

Basically I just need a way to make the input of a PDF (or Word file) available as additional knowledge for GPT. How do I do that?

Thanks in advance,

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Hi !

The best method that I would advise is to fine tune or create an assistant directly in the Open AI API plateform. You will be able to add document and knowledge base into your custom GPT.

Then, instead of choosing “create a completion” You will choose “Message an assistant” and choose the one you have customized.

The output will be directly will be more relevant according to the knowledge and fine tune you gave previously into your GPT’s.

Hope it will help !


Hi Vivien, thank you! This is a clever solution :slight_smile: