Content generation

Hello I would like to create a google sheet or notion (with a hundred publications inside) and put a publication per line to then publish it every 6 hours on Facebook Twitter LinkedIn.

Do you have an idea of how to do it

Hello @Axel1 nice to meet you.

  1. You can use a Google Sheets “Search rows” module and set to return 1 row.

  2. You can add manually in your Google Sheets another 3 columns with LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook ID and after publishing you can update those columns with post ID’s and based on that ID you can filter on G Sheets module to be sure you don’t repost the same content:

  3. Set the schedule of the Google Sheet module to run “At regular intervals” in your case 6 hours.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you require further assistance.


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Thank you very much for your answer but I didn’t understand the 2nd one very well.

Also, how can I make sure that each time they take the next line and that every 6 hours.

I was thinking of something like this, I’m really a beginner sorry for these questions.

Uploading: image.png…
Uploading: Capture d’écran 2023-02-22 153652.png…

Hey @Axel1 welcome to the community :wave:

I’m just stepping in to say that if you’re looking to hire a pro as @Wemakefuture is suggesting, please move the conversation to #solution-exchange. Let’s keep in mind that #qa is a space for all of us to learn from one another and improve our collective knowledge of Make. Thanks!

This person is just trying to help me.
And I’m not very comfortable speaking English, so do you speak French?

I never doubted that. I am just trying to keep the forum organized.
Anyway, good luck with this!

The problem is that how will it take a new line each time