Hi - I’m totally new to Make
I have a workspace in Podio that’s connected to ShareFile. When a client is created in Podio I have an (Podio) automation that creates folders in ShareFile.
Later, each time when the client gives me a new assignment, I want to automate the creation of a sub folder in the clients folder in ShareFile. Podio Automation (with my abilities) can’t do that, but I have heard that Make can do it.
I have spent most of the day trying to do it, but something is missing/not working.
I have made the connections to Podio and ShareFile. Set up the trigger starting with Podio. My trouble is, how do I tell the scenario which folder to make the sub folder in?
I have looked in the forum and found this one, but it does not make sense to me as the solution.
Create GDrive Folder > Get Variable (Folder ID) > Router > Create GDrive Folder (New Location Folder = Folder ID)
Help would be much appreciated - thanks.
Welcome to the Make community!
Looks like ShareFile’s app doesn’t have a “Search Folders” module, so our usual method of Search-Error-Create-Resume won’t work.
I’m sorry, but it looks like this ShareFile app is so underdeveloped and incomplete, it doesn’t even have a generic “Make an API call” module.
You can submit this suggestion to the Idea exchange, under App improvement ideas. Don’t forget to search for it first, just in case someone already suggested it!
Hi samliew
Thanks - so to your best knowledge this can’t be done?
Do you have expirience with other cloudservices where it can be done, fx GoogleDrive?
Yes, if you’d click on my link above, I explained how to do it with Google Drive. It can be done with any app that has a module that can search folders.
Thanks a lot.
Maybe I’ll see if Zapire can do the job. Or else I have to change to Google Drive. It seems that more is developed for that.
Best regards and have a nice day.
No problem, glad I could help!
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