Create custom app

Howdy @Sahildeep Welcome to the :make: Make Community!

:warning: So this is not my area of expertise, I tend to use a lot of HTTP modules tbh.
But until one of our community members with extensive custom app experience can jump in.

Can you elaborate on what you are trying to do

  • Are you connecting a homebrew or proprietary service for your work to make?
    • If not: which app are you trying to get integrated, and which functionality?
    • Can you link us to the API documentation if it exists.
  • Are you building in the make VScode extension.
  • what other tools are you using (e.g. postman) to test while building.
  • any other information you can provide would be very helpful!

Also If you have not seen this, combined with the documentation, it should be a good place to start.

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