Discord Error - This bot can't join more servers

I have active scenarios that were working fine, but I started getting Error [401] 401: Unauthorized at the Discord “send a message” operation.

Then when trying to create a new connection I got the following error:

This bot can't join more servers as it has not been verified or is
requesting gateway intents it has not been verified for. Ask the bot's
developer about https://dis.gd/bot-verification so you can add it to
your server!

How to solve it?

Thanks in advance.


The same problem… I wrote to Support and still waiting for answer…

Same here. It can retrieve the channel list, but not send message

Same as of today it seems it doesn’t have the requested/needed intents or is on to many servers(unlikely)

Same issue here - hopefully they get it sorted quickly (I use discord on a lot of scenarios)

Welcome to the Make community!

You should create your own Discord bot, it’s not that difficult, and you can easily set one up in 5-10 minutes and not rely on Make’s default integration.

Create Discord Application

1a. Head to the Discord Developer Portal and create your Discord application

1b. Upload app image and insert description

Set up OAuth2

Click on OAuth2 in the sidebar

2a. Copy and save the Client ID and Client Secret in a text editor.

2b. Insert Make’s redirect URLs


Set up Bot

Click on Bot in the sidebar

3a. Upload bot image and insert bot name

3b. Copy and save the Bot Token in a text editor.

3c. (optional but strongly recommended) Add more permissions if necessary

This is required if you want your bot to access messages and server members.


Connect Bot in Make

You should already have Client ID, Client Secret, and Bot Token saved in a text editor.

4. Create connection

  • Expand Advanced Settings
  • Insert Client ID, Client Secret, and Bot Token respectively
  • Select all bot permissions
  • Save

For more information, see “Connect to Discord using OAuth2 and your own credentials”.

Related topics:

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Did you know, the concepts of about 70% of questions asked on this forum are already covered in the Make Academy. Investing some effort into it will save you lots of time and frustration using Make later!


Based, thank you for this. was simple and effective

Thank you for showing an alternative.
I face this issue.
I always get the “Unknown Application” error

Try creating a bot that doesn’t begin with a number or special character.

Thank you, I tried this solution and worked perfectly

No problem, glad I could help!

Don’t forget to like and bookmark this topic so you can get back to it easily in future!

For more examples on using your own Discord bot with the optional additional permissions, see these related topics:


Not the point here, I know how to add, make and even code my own bots.

Point is this is a paid service to not do all the things mentioned.

They simply don’t respond, don’t give a :poop: about their paying customers. It’s their JOB to maintain the bot, with the money they earn from us being/using this platform (many cheaper alternatives out there)

Furthermore still calling the discord bot “INTEGROMAT” instead of “MAKE” is just plain LAZY


@Wandert_KillerSneak I totally agree :slight_smile:

Was just putting a temporary solution out there to help other fellow makers. (I’m not paid nor do I have to help either)

You can ignore my post if it doesn’t apply to you…

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Hey @here

I am very sorry for all the difficulties you are facing.

This is a known issue on our end and our developers are actively resolving it. I will update this thread as soon as I have new information.

Thank you for your patience and understanding :pray:


Facing the same issue :frowning:

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Hello hello
No update before the weekend? :smiling_face_with_tear:

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No update…

It’s funny to see how their “employees” are “fixing” the problem while people are better off using their own bot this is simply mind boggling.

I can go as far and show people how to write their own webhooks that will render 80% of the functionality (PAID!) of make pointless (just without a “cute” user interface").

Yet here we are waiting on “support” that isn’t “supporting” frustrating and annoying.

Hey There!

You need your discord bot to be verified for all points mentioned on the verification list:
Go to Discord Developer Portal > click on your bot > go to “App Verification”

Usually only four of them are pending verification

  1. Your application must belong to a team:
    Follow This : Discord Developer Portal

  2. Your app must have links to Terms and Service
    Add this URL : term-of-service-discord-bots.txt · GitHub

  3. Your app must have link to privacy policy
    Add this URL : privacy-policy-discord-bots.txt · GitHub

  4. Team Owner must complete verification.
    Solution : Complete Verification following the procedure given in the Tab

Hello everyone,

Unfortunately, there are no updates to share on this issue at the moment. Our dev team is working on fixing this and we will make sure to update this thread as soon as the fix is deployed.

If you’d like to receive email notifications about the process, feel free to open a ticket with us and our support team will keep you posted on the progress.

We are very sorry for any disruption, trouble, and frustration this is causing.
Thank you very much for your patience and understanding throughout this process. :pray:


You can also contact Discord support for faster resolution / issues.
Usually most bots get verified in a few hours I believe.

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