Do we have any discord for make community?

I strongly suggest we should have a discord server, its 2023! instance chatting is so much more effective.

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Hi @Bao_Richard welcome to the community and happy Friday :wave:

Thanks a lot for sharing your suggestion! We 100% appreciate your feedback and your enthusiasm for a Discord server.

Our forum is still fairly new, and we’re in the process of understanding the needs and preferences of our growing community. While we totally see the benefits of real-time chatting, we also want to highlight the advantages of asynchronous conversations that take place in a forum. They foster more comprehensive discussions, and the structured environment encourages deep, meaningful conversations that really get to the heart of the matter.

Generally, forums, offer a plethora of benefits. They serve as long-term repositories of information, can be customized to cater to the unique needs of each community and provide extensive integration capabilities. Not to mention, they play a vital role in SEO optimization and discoverability, making it easier for people to find and engage with our community content.

That being said, we appreciate your input and will certainly keep it in mind as we evolve.

Thanks for being a part of the conversation :pray:

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