Dear Make geniuses,
I’m trying to download an image from RingCentral using a Get Message Details module, followed by an HTTP OAuth 2.0 request and an HTTP Get a file. Having an issue making the OAuth connection with RingCentral in the first HTTP module. All credentials were obtained from a new app created in RingCentral for this purpose. I’m able to open the signin modal, sign in with username/password, and authorize permissions, but then I get the error. Error is "invalid_client" which suggests an issue with the client ID, but I’ve meticulously copy pasted it dozens of times and I’m certain it’s accurate. There’s got to be a simple solution here right? Please save me from another day of suffering!
Thank you,
Here’s my scenario:
Make doesn’t have a module for this particular endpoint (download file).
Try using the universal “Make an API Call” module to download.
If the external service has a Developer API Reference/Documentation then you should be able to integrate the endpoints in Make using the app’s universal module (Make an API call) module.
You can also suggest for it to be made in the Idea exchange. Don’t forget to search for it first, just in case someone already suggested it, so that you don’t end up creating a duplicate.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.
— @samliew
P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.
So how would I specify to download the file from a standard API call? I thought that’s what “Get a file” was for. I am passing the file URL from the Get Message Details module, and I need to access that URL with an authorization header, would it just download automatically?

I thought the Make module was for interacting with the Make API, not sure how that would apply here?