Drip batch API and Make

Hey Community,
I am working at changing CRM for one of my client, we are considering a few options and one of the criteras is to be able to perform a big amount of tasks using Make.
I read that Drip is using a batch API that allow to collect 50 users in a single API call, does anyone know if this is something that can be accessible with Make (which would make it a big difference), or if any integration with Make would perform like other software (meaning 1 action perform on a contact be 1 API call).

  • Also i’m interested in which CRM would be a good fit with the following stack [wordpress - make - airtable - wp fusion] knowing that we are talking about middle, big size company.
    Ps: we are looking a solution to go away from Keap (aka Infusionsoft)

Welcome to the Make community!

This is subjective, and it depends on your use-case.

If you have both options, a batch and a single endpoint, it depends whether you need it processed immediately or the data can wait.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.

— @samliew

Hey @samliew,
My question is: Are there cases where this batch API can be used by Make to pass 50 contacts in one API call at once? If yes which case? scheduled scenario, or webhook ?

Webhook triggers can also be scheduled if you want to queue incoming requests and process them together in the same batch.

This is covered in the Make Academy.

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Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.

— @samliew

P.S.: Did you know, the concepts of about 70% of questions asked on this forum are already covered in the Make Academy. Investing some effort into it will save you lots of time and frustration using Make later!

hey @samliew Let’s say I would set lists in my Drip CRM, that stack contacts depending on what actions (Post, Get, Delete) I want to perform. Once they reach 50 people in a list, the flow in Make would start and pass the 50 contact in one API call using the Batch API from Drip how would you set the HTTP module in Make to transfer the data of the specific list?

All good thanks,
I found where I was making a mistake, if it can help someone later:
the “Authorization” header needs to be encoded correctly for Drip’s API using Basic Authentication (Base64) you can use this Converter to do this

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