Dynamic email creation


I’m pretty green / a beginner when it comes to this, but I’m trying to work out if it’s possible to dynamically create emails using make.com and data I have in Monday.com without using Monday.com apps like ‘SuperMail’ or ‘SuperForms’.

Is there a way I can create an email template, using for example SendGrid or MailChimp, and dynamically change it and any URLs, names, ‘send to’ addresses or images within it, using data from Monday.com?

I don’t know how to do this, but I do know how to use Make.com and Monday.com’s integrations.

Basically I don’t know enough about email or coding as to then be able to solve the above!


What your describing is possible. You just need to get familiar with html. You can map specifc values within html code to replace whatever values.

This is where asking AI comes in handy. You can then use a html viewer to actually see what you are building.

Hi, thanks for the reply. I’m familiar with HTML and CSS, but where is this done? In Make or in the Email platform?

Can you give me an example of how this is mapped? And regarding AI, are you suggesting that I ask it to create the code for me?

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You can decide to put the code directly into the make module and have separate scenarios for each type of template you want to use.

Or you can put the code in a database or in the email platform and retrieve the templates you need within the scenario. I personally perfer putting it into a database because it allows more flexibility.

In terms of mapping you can essentially map the html code into the message section if that particular app supports html.

Hope this helps!

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Cheers, yes, using an email platform to do all of this. I got there eventually and it’s easy now!
Thanks for the reply.