Error 400 Missing country

I try to migrate from Integromat to Make, but the problem exists.
When upgrading, I have the following steps:

  1. The system recognizes my account.
  2. The system invites me to sign in.
  3. The error page appears: 400 Missing country

Screenshot 27-04-2023 135220

Please advise me how to proceed.

Have you contacted support? I know there’s a country under the user profile in Integromat/Make. But I don’t think you can change that yourself after the creation of the account.

So maybe something went wrong there.

Hey @Menaco, welcome to the community! :wave:

I wanted to chime in and let you know that @NolaDigital is absolutely right - our support team can help you out with this since this requires a background change.

I noticed that you’ve already logged a ticket, which is the right course of action. Someone from our support team will be in touch with you soon to provide an answer.

Thanks for raising this here, though!

Thanks a lot to support that fixed the error.
The migration has been completed successfully.


Awesome, thanks a lot for letting us know :blob_dance: