Error: [403] Could not obtain a WAC access token

What are you trying to achieve?

I have just started using Make to attempt to finish off some automation of my workflow. Yesterday I wasn’t receiving any errors (well at least, none that were not my fault) but this morning when I have continued testing I am receiving a [403] Could not obtain a WAC access token error on a Excel list worksheets function. Make is able to identify that a new spreadsheet has been created in the folder, but I am getting stuck at the second step.

Steps taken so far

I have reverified my Microsoft connection, which hasn’t had an impact on the error.

Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors

Hello @Matthew_S welcome to the community :wave:

A 403 error usually indicates that you don’t have permission to access the worksheet. Could you please check your permissions? If needed, you may ask the file admin to adjust them for you.