Excel worksheet loading error [401] You do not have permissions to open this file in the browser

Hi, I have had issues with getting my excel worksheet to be read. I have successfully connected and verified many times so I know connection is not an error. Also the onedrive folders and workbook file reads correctly, however, when it tries to read the worksheets it always comes back with an error. my permissions from 365 seems to be working maybe it is a bug?

Hi @qdoffice

Please try using the search module to confirm that the connection is working, and that the workbook exists within that connection.

If you require additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
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I think this in an excel-related bug as it occurs exactly the same way in Zapier…


Hello @qdoffice welcome to the Make Community :wave:

Just like @Adriana1 mentioned, this is a bug on Microsoft’s end. You can learn more about it here:

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Guten Morgen, ich habe seit Ende April dieses Problem. Gab es für Sie irgendeine Lösung. Ich habe heute den ganzen Vormittag mit dem Microsoft-Support rumgedoktort. Aber auch hier war keine Lösung findbar. Für eine Rückantwort wäre ich Ihnen sehr verbunden.

Hello @Brigitte_Reichhardt welcome to the Make Community.

As mentioned above, this issue is on Microsoft’s end. Their team is in touch with our developers and has confirmed that the necessary changes need to be made on their side. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything we can do but wait for them to resolve the issue.

As soon as we learn any news from the Microsoft team, we’ll make sure to let everyone know.

Thank you for understanding :pray:

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