Export list of scenarios, track development in Make

Hi All,

I love Make and have developed lots and lots of useful scenarios over the past couple of years. I’m looking for a good way to maintain a database of information about my scenarios to facilitate maintenance and updates.

My initial question was: can I export a report of all the scenarios in my organization? I don’t think this feature exists, but some kind of more advanced built in reporting would be great.

In the past what I’ve done when I needed to do an audit of my account, is to manually create a table outside of Make with rows for each scenario and columns for whatever attributes I needed to track (e.g. what apps are connected, when it was last saved, etc.)

For one-off audits, these tables have been very useful but labor intensive, and I inevitably end up creating new scenarios and failing to update the database. It would be awesome if I could create a scenario to update the table that was triggered by events in make itself, such as “new scenario created”, “scenario saved”, etc.

  • Do any such “meta” features exist?
  • Are there any existing, related feature requests?
  • How have you approached this sort of documentation and maintenance?

Hi :wave:t5:

You believe you can use the “Make - Watch Scenarios” module for that.
It returns both the time the scenario was created/updated and the apps it incorporates.

As the module basically uses Make API, you can incorporate any other API call to your scenario to get more useful information (e.g. operation consumption)



Woah. Thanks, JT! I Had no idea that there were “Make” modules! That is super helpful.

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