Extracting from GD folder all attachments into single mail

How can I upload all files from a specific folder into single mail? Based on other threads I tried every possibility and ultimately always ended up with e.g. 3 different draft emails. Below are details of the flow.

Hi @hubehe ,

That’s because you have an iterator in between your Google drive app and the aggragator which iterates 3 times over a certain array. What is that iterator for? Because I see you selected Google Drive as source for your aggregator.


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Hi @Callinetic, thanks for reply!

So how can I group all 3 files into one mail? I deleted iterator, changed array aggregator source module to “GD download a file” and still it creates 3 separate e-mails.

@hubehe ,

For the purpose of demonstrating how you can achieve the desired result, I simplified the scenario.

So your Search for Files/Folders module of GDrive returns already a bundle per file it finds. This means that the source of your aggregator should be that module.
In the aggregator, Make automatically detects the Download a File module which you can use to easily map the filename and data.
In the gmail, you then select the output of the aggregator.

This are my steps and configuration.

Hope this answers your question!
Glenn - Callinetic