Extracting Typeform answers

I feel like an idiot here but for the life of me I cannot figure this out.

I have an automation that is triggered when a user submits their answers to a Typeform. I’m trying to take those answers and list them out in plain text as the “content” of a Pipedrive note associated with the contact that submitted the Typeform. I have everything figured out except pushing the questions and answers to the Pipedrive note’s content part. When I try to map the “Mappable Answers” field in the note “content”, it just outputs “[collection]” instead of giving me the actual questions (labels?) and answers (values?).

Here’s what the mappable answers themselves look like in the output. While trying solutions I found online I’ve somehow figured out how to grab them, but it’s giving me these weird “raw” number series instead of the actual question like “Name, Email, etc.”. But that’s as far as I’ve gotten.

Ideally I want to list the answers in plain text in this format “{{question name}}: {{answer}}
” where each Q&A is on a new line for readability. My client may change the questions on this form at any time, so I don’t want to go through and list all the questions in text and map the answer values separately.

Does anyone have any guidance here? Here’s my output from the initial Typeform pull with some dummy data:

mappable answers json file.txt (15.2 KB)

Welcome to the Make community!

The Output bundle you provided doesn’t have the questions, it’s all just a random key:


You can use the built-in function toArray


{{ toArray(1.mappable_answers) }}


For more information, see the function documentation in the Help Center.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Did you know, the concepts of about 70% of questions asked on this forum are already covered in the Make Academy. Investing some effort into it will save you lots of time and frustration using Make later!

I did that but it just divides all the Q&As into their own individual bundles and doesn’t make the question text visible.

Is there any way to narrow in on that question text specifically? It keeps giving the raw key like you pointed out instead of the question text itself :thinking:.