What are you trying to achieve?
Hi comunnity!
I´m trying to add a filter greater or equal to 10%, but I´m getting 0 results even though there are rows with values greater than 10%. I have a search rows module (Google Sheet imported) and then I connected it to an array aggregator as data is finally inserted in a Google Slides. I want to add the filter between the search rows module and the array aggregator.
In the google sheet the values have the symbol%.
If anyone can help me it will be great!
Steps taken so far
I have created the filter as shown in the screenshot, but it´s not working.
Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors
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Use 0.1 multiplied by the value you want to get 10% for. 0.1x = 10% of x
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Thanks for your reply! I tried it but it didn´t work…
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Use the Math multiplication Symbol
Hi @Ceci_D_Ang
First of all there is no function named toNumber you can user parseNumber() instead.
It shoulf be somthing as follows:
Best regards,
Msquare Automation
Platinum Partner of Make
Thanks so much AutomationZion and Msquare_Automation! with both answers, I managed to insert the data in Google Slides correctly… 
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Hi @Ceci_D_Ang
Glad to know that your issue is resolved now.We would really appreciate if you mark the answer as solution if it helped you. This will keep the community healthy and organized.
Best regards,
Msquare Automation
Platinum Partner of Make