Goodies Make

Hello everyone,
I hope you’re all well!

I don’t know if the section is very appropriate but in that case thanks to the admins for deleting it.

Congratulations on the latest Make Values video!
Are there any plans for Make to create a store so that we Make users can buy sweaters, lamps etc?

I think a lot of us users would like to buy these little wonders!

Thanks for your feedback!
Have a nice day.


Heya @leroynicolas :wave:

First of all, let me say how awesome it is to see your enthusiasm for some Make swag! :sunglasses:

Thank you very much for bringing up this topic and for creating a whole set of matching tags! The price for the most creative tag goes to you and make-lamp, that’s for sure :blush:

Now, to address your question, we absolutely want to give all the Makers out there the chance to get their hands on some cool Make stuff. We’re now actively exploring options to make this happen and we’ll make sure to share an update once we have it :make:


We can’t wait :star_struck:
Go for Make stuff🔥


Hahah great to hear about the eagerness to get some of that Make swag!

As mentioned above, we will, indeed, keep you posted on this. In the meantime, feel free to share ideas on what type of Make-branded merch you would like to have. We’re all ears :ear: :ear:


It would be amazing if we could buy the following:

  • T-shirts
  • Tote bags
  • Baseball caps (not snapbacks please :face_vomiting:)
  • Hoodies
  • Stickers

These would be a really nice starting point!


Heya @Flashing7651 thanks a lot for sharing which merch items tickle your fancy!

I would not want to get anyone overexcited but looking at the list, I have a feeling that something might be done about this. Once we have more info, we’ll let everybody know :cat_roomba:


Hi Michaela! Thank you for your reply, really looking forward to the merch shop. After attending the Waves 2023 event and seeing the cool hoodies and t-shirts the Make staff was wearing, I’m super excited :smile:


Hello again Mario! I’m stoked to hear that you’re a fan of the Make merch our team was sporting at Waves! As mentioned above, we’ve got something in the works and we’ll make sure to keep everyone in the loop once we have all the details sorted.

By the way, hope you had a great time at Waves! :ocean: :make:


Hi @Michaela any news about goodies ? :smile:

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Hey there @leroynicolas :wave:

We appreciate your excitement and enthusiasm to get your hands on the Make merch :smile: .

Unfortunately, I don’t have any news regarding this topic just yet. We are looking into our options and exploring the right strategy to realize this.

Stay tuned!


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I am looking for a Make sticker for a photo shoot. Unfortunately, I didn’t get one at the Nocode Summit stand in Paris. :persevere: I can’t find any resellers online like Redbubble. Any idea?

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Welcome to the Make community!

If you need a Make logo sticker urgently, you can create one with a Cricut machine, or upload a design on StickerMule or RedBubble.

You can find a suitable Make asset on the Press page (download the Logo Kit).

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

Any update on this? We need to make Make scenarios wearing Make hoodies! Does that make sense?

Hey @TheRealRobin :waving_hand:

We’re happy to hear about your enthusiasm for our merch. Totally get what you mean, haha :smiley: .

As of now, we don’t have any specific details we could share with you, but please rest assured that our team is working above and beyond on some exciting stuff. When we have more information, you will be the first ones to know.

Thank you for your incredible support. :folded_hands: