all step up OK except that when I enter the email, first name and last name in the Mailchimp - I receive an error saying email exists already - do I have to start with a blank Mailchimp audience rather than already populated please ? Thank you
Mailchimp only lets you add a subscriber once. You can tag or add that subscriber to different lists/audiences, but you use the specific module to do that.
Many thanks for the reply. So when I set up the Mailchimp part of the sync with Make - I add details of a new subsciber email address with first and last name - and do not map the fields with a current subscriber ? Thank you.
What is it you’re trying to do exactly with the rows from Google Sheets? Is it to add new subscribers, populate audience lists, or both? Is your list on Google Sheets a mix of new and existing subscribers or are you expecting them to be one or the other?
Many thanks - I am trying to sync Google Sheet with Mailchimp so that when edits are made to any of the current subscriber eg change of email address in GoogleSheets - it is reflected in Mailchimp. Also when a new row is added in the Googlesheet - email, forst and last name -it is reflected in Milchimp. Huge thanks the help.
In that case, what you have to do is first use the Get a subscriber module to check if they exist already, and then use a router with 2 filters, one for if the subscriber ID exists or not. Then if it exists, you update the info from the sheet with the Edit a Subscriber module. If they don’t exist, you can use a second branch to add them with the correct module for that.
If you know all your rows will already be a subscriber in Mailchimp, you can just use the Edit module and skip the Get + Router. However you’ll run into issues with changing emails, unless you have both old and new email columns on your Sheet. This is because Mailchimp uses the email to locate a subscriber for the Edit module. Or, with my example blueprint, it’ll just create a new subscriber in the event the email was changed.