Google sheet 'Watch changes' multiple row

Hello !

I’m trying to create a workflow with a trigger that triggered when a new row is added to a Google Sheet.
I have created a scenario triggered by the Google Sheet ‘Watch changes’ trigger and the Google Sheet is updated automatically.

My issue is that when multiple rows are added simultaneously to the Google Sheet, the automation does not trigger. Otherwise it works perfectly with one row.

Thanks for your help :pray:

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Does it not trigger at least a single time?

To ensure that each scenario run will process ALL new items, you need to increase the bundle limit here:


Then, manually run your scenario one more time to clear the backlog.


Thanks for your reply

It doesn’t trigger even single time when multiple rows are add, nothing happen.
As the trigger is ‘watch changes’ I think I can’t configure the limit.

It’s right here at the bottom. You don’t even need to Show the Advanced Settings.


You can set up a custom webhook that listens for changes in the Google Sheet. When a new row is added, the webhook can trigger your desired workflow. This approach requires some programming knowledge to implement, but it provides more flexibility and control over the triggering mechanism.

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Welcome to the Make community!

Thanks for sharing this useful piece of information. Could you care to elaborate on how to set this up for the benefit of @Nicolas_P?


I already use a webhook with ‘watch changes’ on google sheet. I’ve configured it and it works when a single row is added but not with multiple rows. Never works when activated or triggered manually

With this module, I can’t show the Advanced settings

Ah okay, are the “changes” coming in as an array of rows?

You just got to Iterate the rows.


I pasted three new rows into my spreadsheet at the same time.

Output bundle:


Then you iterate the “Row Values”


Okay, I think my problem was that I was triggering a specific range, so maybe it didn’t trigger perfectly with multiple lines.
Capture d’écran 2024-02-07 à 13.52.27

Now it’s working ! Many thanks to you :smile: