Harvest: Can't create a "finished" time entry?

What are you trying to achieve?

Creating time entry in Toggl should create the same time entry in Harvest; ideally just run once in the evening and log all time entries I created that day in Toggl.

Steps taken so far

I set up my whole screnario, and everything works EXCEPT if I input a duration in the “Harvest - Create a time entry” step (even if it’s just a 1) it will not act as in the documentation: it says here https://www.make.com/en/help/app/harvest under “create time entry” that once I put something in duration it should set the is_running to false - this just does not happen (see screenshot of output of harves, it’s the last entry in the list. So this sounds like a bug to me?

Upon inspecting closer, I also found that if I link the “start” property from Toggl, it says below the harvest “Spent at*” field that “Only the date is relevant, time will be ignored.” (see screenshot). So I wondered if it is at all possible to create an already passed time entry in Harvest like this?

(I also added a screenshot of how it looks in harvest once I’ve run the scenario fyi)

Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors