Has anyone noticed recently that the system seem to be very slow?

I have been trying to look at my data bubbles to to review bundles and they seem to take a very long time to open. Also, when reviewing data in my data stores it is very slow and seems to crash every time I make bulk changes to try to bulk delete records.

If you have either a ton of data to look at, like hundreds of bundles or variables then they can take a while to load as all that needs to render before you can see anything.

Also, if you have a ton of tabs open that can slow you down too.

I’m in U.S. but when I work in European instances I notice some delays there too, but usually not that noticeable - it’s usually due to either or both of the first two reasons.

If these don’t apply to you, maybe consider opening a ticket.

Yes, the platform is generally slow at the moment.

The interface is slow.
Page transitions are slow.
Executions are slow.