How can I stop Gmail Watch Emails giving me every message in a thread

Hey Make friends,

I’ve set the Gmail Watch Emails module up to look for emails I label. It works great except for the fact that it sends a response for every single email in a thread, rather than just the single email that caused me to apply the label.

Does anyone know how I can configure that module to only send the most recent email in the thread that I have labelled?

The only solution I’ve found so far is setting the Maximum number of results to 1. This works but is also kind of useless because I need to be able to label multiple different email threads.

You can create a filter after the module, to filter out subject lines containing “RE:”, or if the reference array is empty (no previous messages).

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


Thanks @samliew, won’t that filter out messages that I label that have RE: in their subject line though?

Those are just suggestions, you can implement both, or any condition suggested above.

this is interesting.

mine acts in the way you’re looking for. I don’t get any replies to a thread if I only search for the label.

does your setup look like this?

I have another setup that searches the label, but then i also have a search for certain subject lines, as @samliew has described. With that one, it will return all threaded messages. I’m guessing because of the subject line always being returned.

I was under the impression that the label is only associated with that specific email.

and now, i’m confused.