How do i connect WPFORM to

How do i connect WPFORM to

Howdy @Javier Welcome to the :make: Make Community!

Can you take a camera-viewfinder-duotone screenshot of your make scenario for me,
along with the relevant module configurations
and share-all-duotoneshare the images here?

so that I can see what you have tried so far :smiley:

EDIT: A Trigger is available for WP FORMS, but no actions.

Can you elaborate on what you are trying to achieve, so that I can best help you find a path forward? Specifically are you trying to trigger automation when a WPFORM is submitted? Please include as many details as you can.

At this time, it does not seem t o be directly possible to edit a WPform via make, but I might be able to advise on how to go about that, via alternatives make modules (SQL,Wordpress,etc)