How do you use Airtable Bulk Update Records module?

I’m trying to build a process with the Airtable Bulk Update Records module. I have some work in place that isn’t quite getting me what I need. I am curious how others have used this module in scenarios.

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Yes I have used it but it is limited to updated only 10 at a time anyway.

Are you aggregating single triggers into batches of 10? What trigger are you using and how do you do the aggregation?

single triggers or a search into an array.

Yeah, I have not been able to pipe in single webhooks and able to aggregate 10 into a single batch edit operation. What did you use to do this? Can you share your blueprint?

The best I have come up with is a batch of 10 webhooks that process and update to Airtable, however because there are 10 records in the webhook, the scenario runs 10 times, creating 9 duplicate operations. I’ve uploaded by blueprint and screenshot for reference. Any tips are appreciated.

blueprint (5).json (138.7 KB)

I made this work. I have all of my current scenarios build to trigger from webhooks, which do not support a bulk or batch trigger functionality like the Airtable Search modules does, so I was baffled and needed to rebuild from scratch.