💡 How to automatically manage online course registrations and metrics [MIH]

Hey Makers :wave:

In the world of no-code education, success often brings its own set of unique challenges.
Here’s one: when your program gets popular, you end up managing large amounts of student data. A good problem to have, but one that usually involves a lot of manual work.

:handshake: Meet VisualMakers, the creators of an education platform that teaches students the magic of no-code tools. As their popularity grew, they had to tackle this precise challenge—the need to track hundreds of registrations for their classes and manage key stats about the students.

In response, Lilith Brockhaus, the co-founder of VisualMakers, rolled up her sleeves and built an automated solution that takes care of it all. This powerful system lets VisualMakers efficiently manage sign-ups and course metrics while also providing clear insights into course preferences and engagement.

Ever since the automation was launched, it managed to replace manual tasks related to the management of 500 students.

:toolbox: The tool stack includes:

  • Elopage for digital commerce,
  • Brevo as a CRM,
  • Rows as a robust database,
  • Slack for seamless communication,
  • and Make to hold them all together.

:books: Keen to learn more about this no-code adventure? Dive into the details below!

What problem were you trying to solve with your automation?

VisualMakers is a German no-code agency that provides an education platform, teaching hundreds of students how to use no-code tools like Make, Bubble, or Shopify.​​ Facing significant growth, we encountered a problem where we had to manage and report a growing amount of data efficiently.

Why did the problem exist?

With multiple projects and an expanding team, our traditional tools were becoming insufficient. We needed a solution that made processes simpler and made data visible and accessible to the entire team.

How did you solve the problem? What does your solution look like?

The challenge was simple, and in the end, so was the solution. Every day, students sign-up to VisualMaker’s online courses. And each time someone signs up, a lot needs to happen:

  • The data is collected from an Elopage in a form.
  • A new lead is added to our CRM on Brevo.
  • A new row needs to be created in Rows to update business reports.
  • Several alerts need to be sent to different Slack channels.

This is where Make comes in and shines. The power of connecting with thousands of apps and the visual builder and comprehensive functionality made it an instant favorite.

We used Rows to automatically display dashboards that show us the most important metrics about our education platform.

the automation running behind the scenes

What are the benefits of your solution?

  • Efficient data management: saving hours of manual work by automatically managing sign-ups, course metrics, and lead generation
  • Enhanced visibility: getting clear insights into course sign-ups, preferences, and engagement for informed decision-making.
  • Cultural transformation: fostering transparency and collective responsibility by sharing financials and metrics with the team.

Lilith, the lady behind the automation wheel

Helpful Resources

:make: Brevo on Make
:make: Elopage on Make
:make: Rows on Make
:make: Slack on Make