in_reply_to_status_id_str: {Tweet ID},
status: `@${User Name}, I like golf too`
…and there are some issues re: how the Tweet ID is handled (e.g. may need explicit handling as base64? FWIW, I tried both ...id and ...id_str wrapping the latter in quotes).
Every time I try this in Make, I get an error “[403] Missing required parameter: status.” …wtaf?
@mixelpix It seems like these objects like “status” are URL parameters and not body objects. Add them in the query string instead and see if that helps.
Thanks for the suggestion @Bjorn.drivn - I will give it a go but iirc e.g. using curl and given the API docs, the POST to /1.1/statuses/update.json requires the JSON as a data object (e.g. -d {"JS":"ON"}
@Pianity I have no experience with this, so you’l have to check it out yourself
But try something with the search query API call. You can use a query like this: