How to dynamically update an excel spreadsheet date

Please see attached the scenario.

At present the current scenario does the following:

  1. Watches the table, when a new row is added a post is created on wordpress using data from multiple columns.
  2. Once the post has been created one of the columns within the table is updated with the post ID.
  3. However, most importantly there is a column within the sheet that I’ve manually inputted the expiry/archive date for the post.

I’m looking to update the scenario so the following happens:

  1. Once the date within the expiry column is more than 7 days old then the spreadsheet is updated and both the listing expiry & post ID are erased.
  2. After that point I’d like the listing expiry date cell updated again with a date that is 21 days in the future and then the post once again created on Wordpress.

I’m guessing I’ll need to change this from a ‘watch table rows’ trigger as there will be no new rows added generally.

Can anyone suggest a formula/function I’d need up to update the cell based on those parameters and what trigger would I need to use?

@chickenwingalligator there is no trigger as such for microsoft excel. You have to use workaround like datastore or something which can trigger scenario on date saved.