How to empty the value of a data store date field?

Hi there!

I’m trying to empty a data store date field.

This is what it looks like in the data store:

I tried to empty it via following functions, nothing helped: null, erase, emptystring, emptyarray

I am using the “Update a record” module to do this. I also activated the overwrite function.

Anyone knows what to do here? I’m a bit lost.

Cheers, Tobias

That is a good question @tobimahony , I am not sure why the erase() is not working on the Update module. Let me check this out and come back to you, for now you can use this (shitty) workaround:

  • Get / Search a record
  • Add/Replace the record

Fill in the details you still want to keep, from the “get a record” module inside the replace module, then leave the field you want to erase empty.

Let me know if this helps you.


It worked, even though it’s a workaround. Nevertheless, I can continue my work. Thanks a lot, Bjorn!