How to follow different path according to the command

  • i want to build an assistant that it can save all the info i send (audio or text) if i start with the command “/insert”
    For example, i send /insert command and the following messages are going to be saved in a database

on the other hand, i have another command which is /assistant where i can talk with the saved info in the database

All of these in the same scenario

how can I differ the flow according of the active command?

  • i am using watch updates

Welcome to the Make community!

Make scenarios are stateless by default – that is it has no “idea” what was entered in a previous message.

You will need to implement some storage and fetch previous messages to see what’s going on.

To do that you could probably use the Data Store modules. This can get tricky and complex very quickly, and may cost lots of operations.

Alternatively, you can use a Chatbot builder to get all the user responses using different flows/routes, before returning all the messages at the same time to Make using a webhook.

An example of such a service is ChatBot Visual Builder - Build Chatbots Without Coding, but they are very expensive.