As the topic, I have an add story comment module where I want to mention a user (whose user gid I have). I copied the code I found from Asana developers forum but it just posts the code.
I tried:
html_text = ‘\nGood morning’
- \nGood morning
As the topic, I have an add story comment module where I want to mention a user (whose user gid I have). I copied the code I found from Asana developers forum but it just posts the code.
I tried:
html_text = ‘\nGood morning’
I checked the API documentation of Asana, and apparently something is missing in the Make module…
I will check if an update is released some time, but in the meantime, you could implement the following workaround:
Type /1.0/tasks/xxxxx/stories
xxxxx is you TaskID field
"data": {
"html_text": "<a data-asana-guid=...."
You can change the HTML with the text you had built.
Try it. I don’t have an Asana account so I can’t try it. I found the documentation here: Create a story on a task
I hope it works