How to post to Facebook pages from Airtable without Airtable timeout on photos


I have Airtable set up to post to Instagram and Facebook pages. Instagram works greats, but Facebook does post but sometimes the photo link times out and you’ll have a blank airtable link, not my photo.

I thought I could fix the easy by using the Http module Get link to download the photofile, but I keep getting the error on the Facebook module that the Http url isn’t correct. I’ve added the blueprint and as far as I know, everything is set up correctly, but it still gives an error.

blueprint.json (71.8 KB)

If you have other ways to make sure the photo posting works on Facebook, that would be great.


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Use this module instead:
Zrzut ekranu 2024-07-25 o 14.52.40

And to add single photo cofigure it as here:

And for multiple photos you must use iterator and aggregator:

Zrzut ekranu 2024-07-25 o 14.58.01

And then map with facebook

Zrzut ekranu 2024-07-25 o 14.56.56


Hi mszymkowiak,

I couldn’t find the single photo post, but I could find this module and it works like I wanted it to.
And as far as I can see, you won’t need iterator for multiple photo’s because this is already possible in this module. And I picked the option, “download photo”

This is the working blueprint for posting to facebook and instagram with make
blueprint (1).json (73.9 KB)