How to prevent 'Failed to verify account. Please try again later.'

I have a scenario that includes connections to Quickbooks and is initiated off a custom webhook that is triggered immediately as soon as data arrives.

Frequently the scenario fails and turns off due to: Scenario initialization failed with an error. Cannot initialize the scenario because of the reason ‘Failed to verify account. Please try again later.’ Origin in Make.

This error is always tied to one of the QuickBooks integrations. I have tried adding error handlers, but since the scenario doesn’t actually run this doesn’t help. The operations and data size are both 0. Once I turn the scenario on again it runs fine, but I can’t have the scenario frequently turning off. Does anyone have any suggestions to avoid this kind of initialization failure or to automatically turn the scenario on again when this happens?


You could implement a secondary scenario that checks whether your main scenario stopped and manages its queue…it would involve monitoring your primary scenario for stops and handling failed work items appropriately