How to watch orders Woocomerce with order IDs listed on Google sheets?

I want to Watch Woocommerce orders by Order ID rows on Google sheets.
But I can’t find way to do it,

I created woocomerce node, watch order. Then I choose where to start, there is no option to choose order ID from another sources.

Anyone have solution? Thanks

Hey @kieuminhnhat , welcome to the Make Community🎉

It is not possible to select a starting point from another source, unfortunately. However, if you provide more information about what you are trying to achieve, there could be a workaround for it.


Mapping the order ID from Google Sheet to the watch module isn’t straightforward. Instead, consider utilizing the “get an order” module in WooCommerce.

For a clearer understanding, refer to the following Loom video link below. It should provide better clarification. If it helps, your appreciation would be greatly appreciated.