HubSpot Engagements module not pushing properties to connected modules part 2

I wanted to respond to an existing topic but was locked. Seems like a good way to discourage users to second known issues I guess.

HubSpot Engagements module not pushing properties to connected modules

This issue is still here. Even after running the scenario, properties are not visible in the next module for mapping into fields.

Welcome to the Make community!

For complex technical issues or bugs like this, it is highly recommended that you directly contact support as it can often lead to a faster resolution. They have access to your specific account details, scenario and scenario logs, server-side logs, and internal tools and resources, which allows them to investigate more thoroughly than what you have access to. Additionally, sharing sensitive information about your situation might not be suitable for an open forum discussion.

You can open a new ticket, or if you are unable to login for some reason, you also can reach support using the contact form on the website.

If you manage to get your issue resolved with support, we’d still love to hear about it! Sharing your solution on the forum can help others facing similar problems.

CC: @Michaela


Hello @aljazdw welcome to the Make Community :wave:

I’m sorry to hear that you’re encountering this issue. However, I can confirm that we haven’t received any recent reports from other users with similar problems. The original issue you’re referencing was addressed with a fix released in May 2023.

As @samliew suggests, in cases like these, it’s always recommended to open a ticket with us. Our support team is equipped with the right tools to investigate this and, if needed, escalate it to the developers for further attention.

Thank you for understanding :pray:

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