Incorrect OutPut Linkedin module posting


As part of my scenario, I’m using the module “create an Organization Image Post” in Linkedin, to share the new post I create on Wordpress. Like this:


It works fine, all the modules share new wordpress posts in my RSS, however I’m facing troubles in LinkedIn.

Problem: I don’t know why sometimes the post in LinkedIn is cutted. As you can see in the image. Where the input and the output are not the same.

¿Someone know why it happens?

Here you can see the module in detail and the output.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hey @danicanton1

I suspect this to be a character limit issue for that endpoint on the side of LinkedIn, you can use the Make DevTool to see what goes on with the request and determine the real reason for the truncated text.


Hello I have found that the problem comes when a “(” appears, and I suspect that also “)”.

I can solve part of it with this:


So I change the “(” for an empty space. However y also want to add “)”, but when I write ) it closes the function and brokes it. I mean it does not understand that I want to write “)” as a character to replace. See the image:


Thanks in advance

Type the character in another text field (like the browser address bar), copy, and paste it into the spot where you want to insert the character.

I think this is the simplest solution.


You’re alright!!

Copy pasting it worked.

I attach here the module after pasting:


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I am having the same issue - is the only way to remove parentheses? or are there workarounds (without messing with the formatting)?

Well, the other workaround I can think of is to instruct OpenAI GPT not to use any parantheses at all.


I also though about setting “()” as a variable in an extra module, and then call it in the replace tool module. It should work too.