Introductions and Hellos

Thank you for your kind words!

When I was in high school, I used to participate in basketball tournaments. Now, it’s just a hobby for me. I do miss those days when I could run around a lot! :rofl:

Your encouragement means a lot to me!
I’ll definitely keep working on my English.

Looking forward to interacting more with you all!


Hi everyone!

I’m an independent consultant and entrepreneur from Lyon (France), and I am passionate about digital technology, video games, and high social impact innovation.

I’m happy to join the Make community, and I can’t wait to expose you the tons of problems I should have building my first scenarios!


Hey @Nordine_Ghachi and welcome to the community :wave:

Wow an entrepreneur sounds so cool! This is the right place to be with your hobbies and passions. What’s your favourite video game? :video_game:

We are happy to have you amongst ourselves. Feel free to check out some content for beginners that might help you with building your first scenario.

For the start it’s always good to enroll in the Make Academy where you can learn the absolute basics.

And there is couple more educational videos that can lead you on the right path!


Hello Vendy,

Thanks for your reply and the warm welcome. :slight_smile:

In fact I’m not a big fan of video games, since my job is creating video games since the 80’s. :sweat_smile:
I’ll check out the Make Academy courses, thanks!


Hello, passionate automators!

I’ve been building websites and making social media marketing for more than 6 years now and I decided I want to shift and branch my expertise and services towards automation that allows me to have more time for creativity.

I am currently trying to build 2 main services:

  • a service for woocommerce shops that send people notifications and order details on whatsapp after a purchase

  • a service that uses whatsapp to book appointments by integrating with google sheets

I haven’t yet managed find in the documentation or tutorials how do I send variables back to whatsapp - for example, how do I send the order number and product list of an woocommerce order to an whatsapp template to notify the client. Also, for the appointment usecase, how do I send a list of available intervals back to the customer that wants to make an appointment.

Any idea on these specific usecases?

Thank you!


Hi everyone.

My name is Zulgo from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

I’m new to automation and already try for basic Integromat a few months ago and now jump to Make.

I like Make so much because it’s can connect many apps together is one place.

I need to learn more about Make and hope everyone can guide me.

thanks in advance.


Hi @rigaleb nice to meet you and welcome to the community :wave:

Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself. Wow, 6 years is a pretty long time. I have to give you a round of applause for having the courage to change your expertise after spending so much time in a different field.

As for your questions, please come check out our Questions & Answers category and look for solutions or ask and somebody from the community jumps onto it.

Hope you’ll have a great time with us! :+1:

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Hey there @zulhisham welcome to the community :wave:

It’s great to see you’re interested in automation the same as we are!

If you want to know how to work with the product check out Make Academy where you can learn the absolute basics. :mortar_board:

Here are some helpful videos that you may find interesting as well:

It’s so nice to meet you! :handshake:

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Hi everyone,
I’m Selim and I begin in Make Integration for my work as a developer.
I want to learn more about Make to found smart solutions (marketing automation).

Have a nice day,

Best regards,

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Hey there @Mediapole and welcome to the community :wave:

nice to meet you!

Our community space is exactly the right place to find out smart solutions and tips regarding the product.

In the meanwhile here are some cool educational videos:

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Hello everyone,
I’m co-founder of a translation and graphic design agency in France. We work for French and Korean comic book publishers.

We’ve been using Make since 2022 - it’s an excellent product. I’ve used other automation products.

We’ve developed a web application for the specific work of our operational staff. We have needs in terms of media exchange, email verification, file verification in Gdrive, Dropbox, file conversion, and many others. Some tasks are done with Make and others on a local N8N community.

Happy to join this community :grinning:

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Hey there @dhopti and welcome to the community :wave:

Thanks for sharing this. Your company sounds so cool! :star_struck:

I am so happy that you’re satisfied with Make. It is so great to hear that users like the product the same as we here do.

Glad to have you on board :passenger_ship:


Hello there everyone! My name is Amin and I work at Recruitee where we use Make as one of the core tools of our organisation. I’m here to learn more about how other companies are using the platform and to perhaps gather some inspiration on things to improve/implement.


He there @Bobcycle nice to meet you :wave:

Great to hear that Make is so important for your organization :smiling_face:.

If you want to learn about other companies using the product and gather some inspiration, check out our :arrow_right: Showcase category which is exactly the space for that.

We hope that you’ll show us some cool scenarios in the future as well :eyes:

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Hello Make Community,

my name is Thomas, I am co-owner and CEO of a small IT business in Germany and I recently discovered Make to be of invaluable use for the processes we help our partner companies with.
Using Make, we mainly support our partners by building custom processes that exceed the capabilities of that platform or help circumvent flaws of it.
Just beginning to discover it, but was already able to create some relatively advanced processes while receiving very helpful hints from other users here! Hoping to return the favour when I can.
This seems like a very friendly and constructive community, so I’m glad I joined!
I’m looking forward to diving in deeper into the Make possibilities.

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Hey there @Tom2 :wave:

Glad to know that you decided to join us!

Looking forward to your contribution to the community with your Monday knowledge :brain:. Our Showcase category serves for showing off your cool scenarios and solutions.

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Hello everyone,

I’m Jan and I am passionate about technology but this is my first time to try and use automation using Make and I love it.

I have just finished all the courses from Make Academy and I’m here to learn more from the automation experts.

I enjoy all the courses from the Make Academy and am eager to learn more.

Thanks for having me here.

Hey there @Jan_F :wave:,

so glad that you decided to join our community!

This is precisely the right place to find fellow automation peeps who also adore it. Looking forward to see your automation creations! :eyes:


Hi I’m Lydia, representing the GeekPack team. GeekPack helps women uplevel their tech skills to improve their freelancing business. Make is a really great fit for our students. :slight_smile:


Hey @Lydia_Brinkmann and welcome to the community :wave:

It’s so nice to meet you. Your project is so impressive and inspiring. We’re really glad that you chose Make to incorporate in this program.

Wish you luck! :crossed_fingers: