Invalid URL in parameter

I try automaticly fill in a template document for every new entry.
step one i connected google forms
step 2 generate google doc out of template

  • i connected the template and connected the taggs to the correct colums in google sheet of my form.
  • for the photo’s i did connect it to the shareble url in my drive that i put in my sheet
  • for photo’s taken using the form, i used the url that was created by google forms (and put in my sheet)

using this method, when i run the scenario => Failed => Invalid URL in parameter “kix.2bo5z1yfvj0t”.
i dit take a look at my sheet but can not fand any url that contains “kix.2bo5z1yfvj0t”

where do i start to look to resolve my issue?

:footprints: The steps you have taken

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@Dieter_Claessens :raised_hands:

Hi there, thank you for your post. It sounds like you are having trouble with the URL in your template document. We are sorry to hear that you are having difficulty. We would be happy to help you find a solution. Could you please provide us with more information about the steps you have taken so far? That would help us better understand your issue and provide you with the best possible solution.

Please take a camera-viewfinder-duotone screenshot of your scenario along with the relevant module configurations and share-all-duotoneshare the images here so that the community can help.

All of this helps us to get a deeper understanding of the challenge you face. :make:

url of photo's that change depending input
url photo taken

Hi. Everything okay? It would be good if you could show the input data and mapping from Google forms. That way we could see if the format of the requested URL in the field is correct.

Thanks, Helio!
If you have questions reach out :wink:

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