Is there a way for one scenario to "watch" the History/execution of another scenario?

I would like to get notified any time a particular scenario of mine executes with a total operation count less than X. I am aware that within a scenario there is a variable that tracks this, which can be sent to me upon scenario completion, but this fails in situations where the scenario doesn’t execute properly (and if the scenario gets interrupted or doesn’t throw an error to an error module, this solution would also fail).

Something like a module that could read the execution log of another scenario and act upon the data would be perfect, is there any way to accomplish this outcome?

Thanks for any ideas!

You can use error handlers in every possible path. You know if it fails and goes through any path that isn’t your desired that something went wrong.

Another solution is define each path statically and use a data store with error handlers incase it fails in any way you know how many runs it will have and can search this data store every so often to see if your X is reached.

Have you looked at the Make API Documentation? The Make App in Make uses that and there may be a way to read some historical execution information about a scenario.

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I think the issue is that I had a scenario “fail” where no error was thrown, but it silently quit. I realise now that the cause of this was simply a webhook receiving null data, so I just need to add a manual check for that case.

Ah, this is wonderful, and I hadn’t considered the Make API. This looks like the solution, thanks!

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