I've published a list of Make integrations with full details

I have compiled a list of (hopefully) all Make integrations with full details about actions, triggers, groups etc. I was inspired by this post about “legacy” Integromat API. Turns out the API works pretty well and one can get a lot out of it.

Big thanks to @JugaadiTech who provided the list of about 2000 apps and services available in Make. That and a successful interaction with Integromat’s API gave me an idea do this little project as a small contribution to the community, and a fun X-mas challenge :christmas_tree: !

Here is the link to the website:

A short vlog post:

PS: Thanks for the Christmas swag, @Michaela and the Make team!


My goodness this is so incredibly cool @zezutom !

Thank you so much for creating the list and for putting together the walkthrough :pray: You are a start and I am always stoked to see your content :star:

Regarding the swag - you’re so very welcome, our very pleasure :blush:


The pleasure is mine :slight_smile: Thank you, @Michaela


Hi @zezutom,

that’s awesome work! :slight_smile:

I think I am still filling a google sheet of mine with updates / newly published apps since a few months. Maybe we can add a column “available since” :smiley:

Will take a look if I find the sheet and report back! :slight_smile:


Sounds like a plan @Richard_Johannes ! Happy to evolve this further :+1:

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