Looking for a Chatbot Trained on Make.com Documentation and Forum Content

Hi everyone,

Has anyone here created or come across a chatbot that has been trained specifically on Make.com manuals, features, and forum discussions?

If you’ve built something like this or use something like this, I’d love to hear about it!

Hi, I don’t know if it works for your usecase, but there are some prebuilt GPT’s in the chatGPT platform. In particular I found this one as the GPT which has more uses (make gpt).

There might be some other chatbot created in alternative platforms, but I think that Make having their own AI utility for helping with scenario creation, it’s what they will tell you to use (in my case, it isn’t as smart as other models, although that might be because I’m not prompting it correctly tbh).

In make academy you can check the AI in Make in unit 5 (with the previous units being an overall introduction to Generative AI and it’s terminology) you can take a look here

If anyone else has another alternative for help in using Make with AI, I’d also love to hear about it!

Welcome to the Make community!

I have trained a Make RAG using Chatbase on all my 10k+ posts on this forum. It is currently free to use. The link to the chatbot is on my profile bio.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.