Mailersend & Airtable: Personalization: Dot notation error

Hi, I’m a designer with some code understanding and am pretty new to the game. Did some personalized emails already and created a email preference center using Airtable and Just for the background to understand my current knowledge.

Now I was trying to setup another scheduled email with mailersend where I guess I need to make use of “personalization” {{variable}} instead of using simple “variables” {$var}. From my understanding that makes sense cause in my case I do have projects with different attributes that I need to list in the email. All of that dynamic. Mailersend documentation

While for simple variables I had to do it like this:
Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 11.03.56

For personalization which looks like this in the email template …
Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 11.05.06

I was putting in the following based on the same logic that worked for me already:
Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 11.05.50

Now the error I get is this:


[422] The contains array keys with dot notation: project.potential_high The contains array keys with dot notation: project.potential_high

Already played around with doing it differently put that did not help, that’s why I’m asking you folks here :slight_smile:

If you do have other ideas of getting the desired result without using {{personalization}}, that would be also fine for me. Plus: In Airtable I am currently pulling the project data into the user data to get it connected, but if it would be possible (and handy) to connect to databases in make and map them somehow together and not doing it in airtable before, that would also be nice as it seems a bit cleaner for me, but I’m just not able to wrap my had around how that could work.

Hello @marvin_ae

Welcome to the community.

It looks like the Mailersend doesn’t like the key notation with the dot. Could you try to change it to underscore? it could be like project_potential_high.

Unfortunately, the error from Mailersend does not explain properly what exactly the error is.


Hi, unfortunately not. It is not possible to change the notation on Mailersend’s site.

Additionally … (if that helps someone):

Source: Additional features | MailerSend Developers