I am new to Make and created a short scenario where a completed Google Form adds a row to a Google Sheets, waits for 3 minutes using Tools and then sends an Email from my Outlook mailbox.
This works fine, although I haven’t been able to record this in my Sent Items, but my main problem is when I try to make the trigger instant by replacing the Google Form with a Webhook in the scenario, but when I try to run it, it comes up with errors which cannot be byepassed.
I added the recommended extension and edited the Google Form to add:
var POST_URL = “myWebhook”;
function onSubmit(e) {
var form = FormApp.getActiveForm();
var allResponses = form.getResponses();
var latestResponse = allResponses[allResponses.length - 1];
var response = latestResponse.getItemResponses();
var payload = {};
for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
var question = response[i].getItem().getTitle();
var answer = response[i].getResponse();
payload[question] = answer;
var options = {
"method": "post",
"contentType": "application/json",
"payload": JSON.stringify(payload)
UrlFetchApp.fetch(POST_URL, options);
I saved this and ran this, then added the Trigger and made the change as suggested, but I can’t get it to work.
Could anyone guide me where I am going wrong?
What are the errors you’re getting?
I use the same approach as you (the code is identical) and it works fine.
I have this setup for my triggers:
So if you have everything set up correctly, the problem may be in your scenario. But without further information about the scenario and the errors you receive, there isn’t much to go on.
Hi, thanks for getting back. When I try to run the scenario I’m getting:
"Module references non-existing module ‘1’ "
The trigger I added has the same settings as yours.
What the message is saying is that one module (maybe module 2?) used to refere to module 1. Then module 1 was removed or replaced by another one but module 2 was not updated to reflect that change. So it still tries to talk to module 1, which doesn’t exist… or isn’t reachable anymore in the scenario.
You can check this by looking inside module 2. There are probably references to module 1 but instead of being solid, theyr are only the outline. You would need to update them so the get the information rom the correct module.
If that doesn’t work, I encourage you to share a snapshot of your scenario as well as the content of module 2. You can also export your scenario blueprint ant share it her. Someone can look at the content and possibly figure out where the problem is.
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Thank you so much. You have helped me resolve the problem insofar it was still trying to talk to the old module. Once the webhook was unlinked and the connections to the Google Sheet and Email modules were re-established everything was good.
There are a couple of issues I need to do finish it and may need to ask for help if I can’t resolve them myself.
That’s great to hear. If you have questions, though, please create a new topic!